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The Podcast At Dawn's House

Aug 30, 2021

aka Do You Want MRSA? Because That's How You Get MRSA

Claudia babysits local demon-child Betsy Sobak, and gets a broken leg for her trouble, so the BSC do the obvious thing and set out to demolish Betsy psychologically. There's no B-plot, unless you count Kristy's sudden obsession with wearing food. Karen hallucinates a...

Aug 2, 2021

Stacey invites the gang up to the big city to answer that age-old question: what if illegal daycare, but in New York? Everyone (except Kristy, surprisingly!) is terrible, Ann M. Martin teaches us the true meaning of New York, and we explain the concept of the Harmonicaverse. You’re welcome.

(If you don’t speak...